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Texas Hold’em Poker Online

Texas Hold’em Poker Online

Texas Hold'em poker is a captivating and widely enjoyed variant of the classic game of Poker. With its roots traced back to the early 20th century in Texas, this game has now become a global phenomenon, captivating millions of players in casinos, online platforms, and home games alike. Its strategic depth, psychological aspects, and potential for thrilling moments make it a favourite among both recreational and professional players.

The Texas Hold’em Poker rules are easy to learn and its gameplay is exciting that makes it the most popular variation of poker worldwide. Professional players and poker enthusiasts alike indulge in playing poker online for real money and accrue exciting rewards and cash prizes.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the various aspects of Texas Hold'em poker, covering everything from its origin to gameplay, how to play Texas Hold'em, game rules, tips, and strategies. Rest assured, by the end of this, you will be ready to play your first game.

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Texas Hold’em Poker Origin Story

Texas Hold'em poker is believed to have originated in the early 1900s in Robstown, Texas. The game was played among friends in local clubs and gradually spread throughout Texas in the following decades.

Texas Hold’em gained recognition in the 1960s when it was first introduced in the casinos of Las Vegas. It was not until the 1970s that this variation of Poker became globally popular, thanks in large part to the birth of the World Series of Poker (WSOP) tournament. The WSOP, which began in 1970, originally featured only a few poker variations, but Texas Hold'em was added to its roster in 1971.

The introduction of No Limit Texas Hold’em on the world stage soared its popularity and it quickly became one of the most popular events at the WSOP and helped to propel Texas Hold'em to national and international prominence.

In the 1980s and 1990s, the popularity of Texas Hold'em continued to grow, both in casinos, local parlours and in home games. Eventually, the birth of online poker platforms in the late 1990s and early 2000s fueled the game's popularity even more, as players from all over the world could now compete against each other in real time.

Today, No Limit Texas Hold'em Poker remains one of the most popular forms of poker, both online and in live poker games. The game has evolved over time, new variations and formats were introduced. However, the basic rules and game structure have remained largely unchanged since its early days in Texas saloons.

Game Objective

The objective of Texas Hold'em poker is to make the best possible five card combination and win the pot, which is the sum of all bets made by the players in a hand. This is true in all variants of Poker.

Poker Chips are the currency used to play any game of Poker. Texas Hold’em Poker too is played with chips that players bet in the pot depending on the strength of their Texas Hold’em poker hands . As per Hold'em rules, in the end, the player with the best five card poker hand wins the pot or the last player whose bet remains uncalled takes the pot.

Game Set-up

Dealer Button

The Dealer Button indicates the position of the Dealer and is marked by a D on the table especially in online Poker games . In live games, a Dealer Button is placed at the front of the Dealer. This button moves one place to the left after a hand is complete. The position of the Dealer indicates the immediate two players on its left to act first i.e. the small blind and the big blind.


Before any cards are dealt to the players, the two players sitting on the dealer’s left must place forced bets called the Small Blind (SB) and the Big Blind (BB). Blinds are compulsory bets that the two players sitting on the dealer’s left make at the beginning of each hand to initiate action. The amount of the big blind is typically twice the amount of the small blind. The position of the Dealer Button moves one place to the left after each hand is complete, so every player places these bets eventually.

Hole Cards

The dealer deals two private cards face down to each player at the beginning of each hand before betting begins. These are known as hole cards.

How to Play Texas Hold’em Poker?

Learning how to play Texas Hold’em poker online shall not take long. Once you know the rules and gameplay, you can get started instantly. Let’s begin.

In Texas Hold’em poker, each player receives two hole cards. These hole cards are private cards that remain hidden through all the betting rounds and are revealed only at the final stage of the game, known as showdown .

Besides the hole cards, five cards known as community cards are dealt face up in the middle of the table during the betting rounds. All players use these seven cards in total to make the best possible five-card Texas Hold’em poker hands.

The possibilities of making a five card Hold’em hand are:

2 hole cards + 3 community cards. 1 hole card + 4 community cards. No hole card + 5 community cards.

The player with the best Texas Hold’em poker sequence wins the pot which is a sum of all the bets placed during the hand.

Depending on the strength of one’s Texas Hold’em hands, players take various poker actions in the betting rounds when they place bets. These actions are Call, Check, Raise and Fold which we shall discuss in length under Texas Hold’em poker rules. As per the game rules, you need to match your opponents’ bets to claim the chips in the pot.

Texas Hold’em Poker Hand Rankings

In Texas Hold'em poker, players are dealt two private cards (hole cards) and use them in combination with five community cards to form the best possible hand. Here are the hand rankings in ascending order of strength:

High Card: If no player has a hand with any of the below rankings, the highest card in hand determines the winner. If two players have the same high card , the next highest card(s) are used to break the tie.

One Pair: Two cards of the same rank, such as two 7s or two Queens. If multiple players have one pair, the player with the highest pair wins. If two players have the same pair, the highest side card(s) determine the winner.

Two Pair: Two sets of pairs, such as two 5s and two 9s. If multiple players have two pair , the player with the highest-ranking pair wins. If two players have the same top pair, the second pair decides the winner. If both pairs are identical, the fifth card (kicker) determines the winner.

Three of a Kind: Three cards of the same rank, like three Jacks. If multiple players have three of a kind, the one with the highest-ranked three of a kind wins. If two players have the same three of a kind, the highest side card(s) decide the winner.

Straight: A sequence of five consecutive cards, regardless of suit. An Ace can be used as the highest card (A-K-Q-J-10) or the lowest card (A-2-3-4-5) in a straight , but it cannot be used as a 'wraparound' (K-A-2-3-4 is not a straight). If multiple players have a straight, the highest card in the straight determines the winner.

Flush: Five cards of the same suit, not in sequence. If multiple players have a flush , the player with the highest card in the flush wins. If the top card is the same, the second-highest card decides, and so on. If all five cards are identical (extremely rare), the pot is split between the players.

Full House: A combination of three of a kind and a pair. For example, three 8s and two Kings. If multiple players have a full house , the player with the highest three of a kind wins. If two players have the same three of a kind, the higher-ranking pair decides the winner.

Four of a Kind: Four cards of the same rank, such as four Aces. If multiple players have four of a kind , the player with the highest-ranking set wins.

Straight Flush: A combination of a straight and a flush, i.e., five consecutive cards of the same suit. The highest straight flush , from A-K-Q-J-10 down to 5-4-3-2-A, is known as a ' Royal Flush ' and is the strongest hand in Texas Hold'em.

Royal Flush: The highest-ranking hand in poker, consisting of A-K-Q-J-10, all in the same suit. It is unbeatable in a standard game.

Remember that in Texas Hold'em, players can use any combination of their two hole cards and the five community cards to make the best Texas Hold'em hand possible. The player with the strongest hand at the end of the betting rounds wins the pot.

Texas Hold’em Poker Rules

The Texas Hold’em rules are easy to follow and learn. It essentially includes the betting rounds and actions taken by players in the game. Let’s start with the betting actions for clarity.

Texas Hold’em Betting Actions

There are mainly five types of betting actions that players can take in Texas Hold’em poker. Let's get to know them one by one.


A player can choose to ' check ' if no bets have been placed in the current round of betting. This means that the player does not put any additional chips into the pot and passes the action to the next player.


Calling means to match the amount of bet placed by the player before you. So, if a player has already placed a bet, another player can 'call' by putting in an equal amount of chips in the pot. This keeps the player in the hand and allows them to continue playing.


To raise means to increase the betting amount placed by the player before you. A player can choose to 'raise' by putting in more chips into the pot than the previous bettor. Raising the bet forces other players to either match the new bet or fold their hands.


To fold means to quit playing the current hand and give up one’s claim to the pot. When a player chooses to 'fold', they also give up all the chips they have already put into the pot. This removes the player from the current hand and they cannot win any further bets.


As per Texas Hold’em rules, a player can choose to go 'all-in' by betting all their remaining chips. When this happens, other players must call the bet to stay in the hand. If other players continue to call, a side pot is created for the remaining players.

Texas Hold’em Betting Rounds

A game of Texas Hold’em includes four rounds of betting during which players assess the strength of their Texas Hold’em hands and bet chips to win the pot. These rounds are:


After all players receive their hole cards, this is the first round of betting that takes place. Action starts with the small blind and the big blind. Once the blinds are placed, the player to the left of the big blind acts first. He can choose to call the big blind, raise or fold his cards. The rest of the players act accordingly.


Once the first round of betting is complete, the dealer places three cards face up on the centre of the table. These three cards together are known as the Flop. A second round of betting takes place starting with the player to the dealer’s left.


Once the second round of betting is over, the dealer places a 4th community card face up on the table. This is called the Turn. Another round of betting occurs starting with the player to the dealer’s left.


After the third betting round is complete, the dealer places the 5th and the final community card on the table. This is called the River. A final round of betting occurs starting with the player to the Dealer’s left.


After the final round of betting is complete, if two or more players are active in the hand, they must reveal their hole cards to determine the winner. This stage is called Showdown . As per Texas Hold’em poker rules, when this happens, the player with the best five-card poker combination wins the pot.

Different Types of Texas Hold’em Poker Games

While Texas Hold’em itself is a key variation of poker , you can play different formats and types of Hold’em games and mix things up. Here are the most common types with their unique Texas Hold’em poker rules.

1. No Limit Texas Hold’em

This is the most played format of Texas Hold’em that is often featured in big events and championships and easily available on online poker apps. As the name says, there is no maximum bet limit. Therefore, players can bet and raise up to the total amount of chips they have at the time.

2. Limit Hold’em

In this format, players bet in fixed sized betting increments. There are fixed betting limits for each betting round. For example, let’s take a ₹5/₹10 limit game of Limit Hold’em. This means the maximum bet limit during the first two rounds of betting Pre-flop and Flop is ₹5,. This limit shall increase to ₹10 for the final two rounds, Turn and River.

3. Pot Limit Hold’em

In this type of Texas Hold’em game, the betting limit is fixed throughout the game where players can bet any amount of chips up to the size of the pot. For example, if there is ₹50 in the pot, the maximum bet a player can make is ₹50.

4. Mixed Texas Hold’em

As per Texas Hold’em poker rules, this format of Hold’em alternates between rounds of No Limit Hold’em, Pot Limit and Fixed Limit Hold’em poker. For example, you play Limit during Pre-flop, Pot limit on the flop, No-limit on the Turn and River. This way, there is a lot of action post-flop making it a fun variation.

5. Short Deck Hold’em

In this type, the deck of cards is reduced to 36 by removing all cards lower than 6. This creates a smaller deck and as a result, changes the Texas Hold’em poker hand rankings. However, gameplay and betting stays the same for Hold’em. This is yet another fun variant of Hold’em that creates tons of action as players can play a lot of hands.

6. Double Flop Hold’em

Here, two separate boards of community cards are used. Players need to form the best possible five card combination using the two boards. Players can either bet on each hand they make on both boards and double their income. If there are two winners for each board, the pot is split between them.

Texas Hold’em Winning Strategy

There are several strategies that players can utilise in Texas Hold’em online to increase their winning chances in the game. Here are a few core strategies you must practise to gain an edge over your opponents.

1. Starting Hands

When you play Texas Hold’em, play only premium starting hands such as high pairs of Aces, Kings Queens and Jacks, high ranking suited cards and two connected cards. Avoid playing weaker hands such as low pairs and mismatched cards. The idea is to play strong hands and play them aggressively to build the pot.

2. Position in Poker

Your playing position in any poker game is crucial. Play from later positions as you have the strategic advantage here. You gain more information about your opponents’ actions when you play from the Cut-off and the Dealer button. You can also widen your range of starting hands and also attack the blinds by expanding your range in late positions.

3. Bet Sizing

Following the Texas Hold’em rules, Bet sizing is one of the core strategies in Texas Hold’em. You should always aim to bet amounts that are proportional to the strength of your hand and the size of the pot. Betting too high can scare off your opponents while betting too low allows them to see cards for a cheap price and improve their hands.

4. Bluffing

Bluffing is a powerful tool in Texas Hold’em poker but you should find the proper window to do so. Bluff your bets only when you have a reasonable chance of success. You should observe your opponent’s actions even if you are not in the hand and utilise their knowledge and their betting patterns to make informed decisions.

5. Learn Pot Odds

Pot odds are the ratio of the size of the pot to the size of the bet. They determine if a call is profitable based on the current size of the pot and that of the bet made by your opponents. Once you have calculated the pot odds, compare them to the odds of winning the hand. To do this, you need to estimate the number of outs you have. Then, you can use the Rule of 2 and 4 to estimate your odds of improving your hand by the next two cards.

6. Never Limp!

Limping is a big No in all games of poker. Doing so allows your opponent to check the flop for a cheaper cost. This increases the likelihood of several players seeing the flop making it harder for you to win the pot. Not to mention, you have less control of the pot and opponents shall take advantage of your weakness.

7. Table Selection

When you play Texas Hold’em poker online, look for tables with weaker players who tend to play too many hands. Conversely, avoid playing at tables where your skills are outmatched by more experienced players or where the competition is tough. The idea is simple; you either have a better strategy to defeat the pros or pick worse players to play against.

It works best if you combine these different strategies and then make informed decisions based on your hand strength, playing position and the actions of your opponents. This shall improve your win rate significantly in Texas Hold’em poker.

Texas Hold’em Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional hacks to improve your game as a beginner in Texas Hold’em poker.

  • Be patient and wait for good hands and opportunities to play. This is crucial to maintain your stack and avoid engaging in weaker hands and limping your way to showdown.
  • Observe your opponents closely to try and get a read on their playing style and tendencies. If you play poker online, check out player stats such as VPIP, PFR and WTSD to get a clear idea of their game style so that you can make better decisions in future hands.
  • Manage your bankroll well so that you don’t end up losing all your money in one session. Set limits on how much you’re willing to lose and stick to this number.
  • Never chase your losses. If you are on a losing streak, you might try to win back your losses by playing more aggressively and taking bigger risks. The fact is it can lead to even bigger losses. Instead, take a break and return to the tables with a clear mind later.
  • Fold when you are unsure. Don’t get too attached to your hand and be more willing to let go if the odds do not favour you.
  • Always stay focused in the game. Avoid distractions like engaging in conversations with fellow players or checking your phone, watching TV during playtime.
  • Never stop learning. Texas Hold’em poker online is a game of skill. The more you play, the better you become. Take out time to review your hands regularly to identify areas of improvement.

Texas Holdem Poker Online - FAQs

Q. What are the rules of Texas holdem poker?

Texas Hold'em is a popular poker variation best played with 2-9 players. Each player is dealt two private cards known as "hole cards". The game includes four rounds of betting: preflop, flop, turn, and river. In each round, players have the option to check, bet, call, raise, or fold their cards.

The dealer reveals community cards on the table that all players can use to make their best five-card hand. After the final round of betting, if there are two or more players remaining, a showdown occurs where the players reveal their hole cards and the best five-card hand wins the pot. Conversely, in the end, the player whose bet stands uncalled by their opponents wins the pot.

Q. How to win in Texas holdem poker?

To win in Texas Hold’em, players must use a strong combination of various strategies. This includes practicing tight and aggressive play, observing your opponents closely to make informed decisions. Managing your bankroll and setting a budget is also key to enjoying long term success in poker. Be patient and wait for the right opportunities to play strong hands only. All the while, stay focussed so that you can make sound decisions and improve your game over time.

Q. When was Texas holdem invented?

The exact origins of Texas Hold’em are unknown, however records date back to the early 1900s in Robstown, Texas. The game became especially popular when it was introduced in 1963 at the California Club in Vegas. Later, the World Series of Poker featured the game in its main event in 1970 which attracted top players from around the world such as Doyle Brunson and Johnny Moss.

Since then, the game began to be featured in Hollywood movies and this surged its popularity even further. The birth and evolution of online poker in the early 2000s has also contributed to the game’s continued popularity. Today, the game is one of the most widely played forms of poker in live tournaments, online poker apps and even home games.

Q. Who bets first in Texas Hold’em?

The player seated to the dealer’s left known as the “Small Blind” is the first player to bet in the pre-flop round of Texas Hold’em. The small blind is followed by the Big Blind who pays twice the amount paid by the former. This is a common rule for all hands played in Texas Hold’em poker. Only after the blinds are placed, the rest of the players take their turns to act. The order of betting continues clockwise around the table until all players have either called or raised the bet or folded their cards.

Q. What is ultimate Texas Hold’em?

Ultimate Texas Hold’em is a popular variation of Texas Hold’em poker that involves only two betting stages, the initial Ante bet and an optional Trips bonus bet. The objective of Ultimate Hold’em is to beat the dealer’s hand by making the best possible five card poker hand using your own two cards and five community cards that are dealt face up on the table. This variant also features side bets such as Blinds, Play and Trip bonuses. Ultimate Holdem is fast paced and offers opportunities to win big payouts through bonus bets.

Q. How many cards are there in Texas Hold’em?

A game of Texas Hold’em is played with a standard deck of 52 cards. Here, each player is dealt two private cards, known as "hole cards". In addition to the hole cards, five community cards are dealt face up on the table during the course of the game. These cards are shared by all players to make the best five card poker hand. These seven cards are used together to make the best combination and win the pot.

Q. How to deal in Texas Hold’em?

To deal in No Limit Texas Hold'em, you'll need a standard deck of 52 cards and a designated dealer position.

  • Shuffle the deck: Start by shuffling the deck to ensure a fair game.
  • Deal the cards: Deal each player two cards face down, starting with the player to the left of the dealer and moving clockwise. These are called "hole" or "pocket" cards.
  • Place the first three community cards: After the initial deal, place three cards face-up in the middle of the table. This is called the "flop."
  • Place the fourth community card: After a round of betting, place a fourth card face-up on the table. This is called the "turn."
  • Place the fifth and final community card: After another round of betting, place a fifth and final card face-up on the table. This is called the "river."
  • Determine the winner: Players use their two hole cards and the five community cards on the table to make the best possible five-card poker hand. The player with the best hand wins the pot.
Q. How many cards are dealt in Texas hold’em?

In Texas Hold'em poker, each player is dealt two private cards, known as "hole cards" or "pocket cards." These cards are dealt face down and are only visible to the player holding them. In addition to the hole cards, there are five community cards that are dealt face up on the table during the course of the game. These community cards are shared by all players and can be used to form the best possible five-card poker combination. So, in total, there are seven cards used in Texas Hold'em: two hole cards per player and five community cards on the table.

Q. How do blinds work in No-limit Texas holdem?

In No-limit Texas Hold'em, blinds are forced bets that are placed by the two players sitting to the left of the dealer button before any cards are dealt. The player immediately to the left of the dealer button posts the small blind, which is usually half of the minimum bet, and the player to their left posts the big blind, which is typically equal to the minimum bet.

The objective of posting the blinds is to create a pot for players to compete for and to ensure that there is always money at stake in every hand. The dealer button moves one position to the left after each hand, so that every player at the table takes turns posting the blinds.

Once the blinds are posted, each player is dealt two cards face down, known as "hole" cards, and a round of betting begins starting with the player to the left of the big blind. The action then continues clockwise around the table until all bets have been matched or folded, at which point the dealer reveals the community cards and the next round of betting begins.

Q. How many decks are used in Texas hold’em?

A standard deck of 52 playing cards are used to play a game of Texas Hold’em poker.

Q. What is a bounty in Texas hold’em?

In Texas Hold’em, a bounty is a cash reward that is placed on a player’s head for knocking them out of a poker tournament. The player who eliminates a bounty player receives the bounty in addition to the payout from the prize pool. The amount of bounty can vary from game to game and this can be a fixed amount or a percentage of the buy-in.

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