Are you a Poker lover who tends to get swayed at the moment and finds it hard to keep your bankroll in control? Do you struggle to keep tabs on your finances when making wagers in online Poker money games played for real money? This blog is for you. Here we share a few helpful tips to play Poker responsibly and manage your money well.

Top Tips to Play Poker Game with Real Money Online

You want to play Poker but you also want to ensure that you don’t end up losing big time, especially when playing the game using real cash. This calls for responsible play on your part and some simple steps can help ensure this. Let’s read on.

Step 1: Make sure to set a specific amount aside before playing

This is the very first step in responsible Poker play. Without a clear budget in mind, it’s easy to get swayed or lost in the process of wagering and you may end up losing all of your life savings on the game as well. Most Poker players fall trap to this tendency and hence, it’s always advisable to set a pre-defined budget for all online games involving real money. Not only set the budget but most importantly, stick to the set budget during the game, particularly during the heat of the moment.

Step 2: Don’t play if intoxicated

This is the second golden rule to observe when playing Poker games for money apps. A game of online Poker can be a norm at most home parties and get-togethers with friends or family. These social events may also often be marked by the consumption of alcohol as a celebratory gesture. Avoid playing a game of online Poker under the influence of any such intoxicating substance, as it may cause a significant loss of money. One or two drinks are fine, but if you get sloshed, stop playing!

Step 3: Always remember the purpose of your play

When playing virtually, it can be fairly easy to forget that you are a mere participant in a game being played on the other side of the screen. You may find yourself immensely involved in action and tend to forget that Poker, like any other online game, is just entertainment. And, when played with real money online is essentially paid entertainment – nothing more. It’s an experience similar to enjoying a roller coaster ride in a fun fair – it’s thrilling – but it must end after the experience has been thoroughly enjoyed.

Step 4: Set yourself a time limit too

Along with keeping control of your finances, it’s equally important to manage your time as well when playing Poker on an online gaming app. Online gaming can be highly addictive and make gamers lose complete sense of their time as they enjoy the game for hours incessantly. This holds irrespective of whether you’re winning or losing in Poker. It is therefore recommended that you set a specific time limit for yourself before venturing into a game of online Poker. Managing your time effectively would inevitably keep a check on your spending too.

Step 5: Stop chasing your losses

Poker may have its ups and downs. Some games can make you a big-time winner, while in some cases, you may fall short of devising the right strategy to make a win. In either case, avoid chasing behind your losses. Striving aimlessly, game after game, to recover your losses may end up with you losing even more money rather than recover what you’ve already lost.

Step 6: Know your game well before playing

Before venturing into a game of online Poker on any virtual gaming app, make sure that you understand its rules well. This can help undue losses in the game, especially if you’re playing the game using real cash. Additionally, know more about the odds of winning the game to keep your expectations and bankroll spending realistic.

Step 7: Avoid wagering money that isn’t yours

This means a strict ‘no no’ to borrowing money from friends or family or using your credit card to wager money on a game of online Poker. The game is only meant for pure entertainment. This means that even if you wish to add some thrill to the experience by playing with real money, you are only allowed to use the money you can call your own. Doing it with someone else’s money results in unnecessary conflicts and disappointment, and even ruin healthy relationships.

Play Online Poker on PokerBaazi – A Safe and Trusted Platform

Online gaming apps provide the platform to let yourself loose and enjoy a relaxing game after a long and hard day. However, it’s important to choose a safe portal, which can be trusted with your data (as well as your money in the case of online cash game apps) and is 100% reliable. In the case of online Poker, the stakes can be rather high, and doing thorough research before choosing your gaming platform is key.

Among the many online Poker gaming apps available today, PokerBaazi is one of the best online apps for beginners and seasoned Poker players alike. The app has been carefully developed keeping the needs of all Poker enthusiasts alike, promising them a virtual real-time Poker experience complete with all the thrill and excitement. All money transactions on the app are completely safe and secure, ensuring that you enjoy the game without a worry on your mind.

Disclaimer: Online Poker can be highly addictive. We therefore encourage you to exercise caution and play responsibly, enjoying the game in its true spirit without incurring unnecessary losses.


1. Is online Poker risky?

There is a certain element of risk involved when playing the game for real money. However, keeping a few things in mind can help minimize risk and boost your chances of winning.

2. Is there a strategy for online Poker?

There are many strategies for playing online poker. A few of them are winning strategies. One of the common winning strategies is playing the game tight and aggressive, or TAG, as it’s popularly known.

3. How to become good at online Poker?

Playing as low as possible, constantly studying, and striving to improve every day are the best ways to become a pro at the game.

4. Which is the best hand in Poker?

Royal Flush is the best hand possible in a game of Poker.