A popular alternative to Texas Hold’em, short-deck Poker has occupied a significant place in mainstream Poker, particularly high-stakes games. Its popularity has surged over the last few years as more and more game enthusiasts are turning to playing short-deck Poker, also called six-plus hold ’em. This blog delves deeper into the game and the key rules on how to play it while retaining the fun and action of Texas Hold’em.

What is a Short-Deck Poker?

As mentioned earlier, short-deck Poker is a fun twist to Texas Hold’em. The game is named so because it uses a shorter deck – 36 cards – in place of the standard 52-card deck. A total of 16 cards are removed from the deck. These are the deuces, 3s, 4s, and 5s.

Short-Deck Poker Rules

It helps to know the rules of the game before beginning to play it. Here are some of the key ones that you must remember:

The game is generally played among 6 players; however, can involve anywhere between 2 and 10 players in general.
The Ace card is included in high and low, but can also be used to replace the 5 in a Straight, such as in 9-8-7-6-A.
Short-deck Poker is played using only 36 cards. This makes 6 the lowest card and Ace is the highest.
The hand rankings in this game are different than the other Poker games since the likelihood of hitting sets or straights is relatively higher.

Short-Deck Poker Hand Rankings

As stated above, hand rankings in the case of short-deck Poker are different than the ones defined in Texas Hold’em. For your better understanding, the revised rankings are shared below in the order of highest to lowest:

  1. Royal Flush
  2. Straight Flush
  3. Four of a Kind
  4. Flush
  5. Full House
  6. Straight
  7. Three-of-a-Kind
  8. Two Pair
  9. One Pair
  10. High Card

How to Play Short-Deck Poker?

Let’s now look at how online Poker can be played using a short deck. Remember that the game retains the key concepts of Texas Hold’em, which makes it easier for players who already know Texas Hold’em to transition to short-deck Poker.

  1. Starting Hand: As in Texas Hold’em, here too, the dealer deals two hole cards to each player at the start of the game.
  2. Community Cards: At the center of the Poker table, shared by all players, 5 Community Cards are placed face-up.
  3. Aim of the game: The motive in short-deck Poker remains the same as in the case of conventional Poker. Each player is required to form the best possible hand using 5 cards, which can be a combination of their 2 hole cards dealt at the beginning and the 5 community cards lying face-up on the table. Additionally, you can win by making your opponent fold a better hand.
  4. Wager rounds: Short-deck Poker also has the same wagering structure, blinds, and flow, as in Texas Hold’em. The wagering rounds are defined as pre-flop, flop, river, and turn.
  5. Winner: If a showdown is reached, just like conventional poker, the player with the best hand at the showdown is declared as the winner in the short-deck Poker. However, if a player manages to make all other players fold, they are awarded the pot as there is no one to contest it.

Short-Deck Poker vs. Texas Hold’em – What’s the Difference?

Even though short-deck Poker is quite similar to the conventional game of Texas Hold’em, some strategic differences set the two games apart:

  1. Short-deck Poker uses a 36-card deck instead of the standard 52-card one used in Texas Hold’em.
  2. The hand rankings chart for short-deck Poker is slightly different from that used for Texas Hold’em. For instance, Flush beats Full House in the case of short-deck Poker.
  3. In the case of short-deck Poker, every card from 2 through 5 in the 52-card deck is removed to make it a 36-card deck.
  4. The lowest straight-in short-deck Poker is A-6-7-8-9.


Short-deck Poker makes some interesting variations to the conventional Texas hold ’em game, a fun-filled alternative that makes the game even more interesting to play. Moreover, the variations from traditional Hold’em are not very difficult to learn and players familiar with the regular game can easily make the transition almost instantly, without losing out on the fun and excitement that follows.

Continue the fun and thrill of Texas Hold’em with short-deck Poker on PokerBaazi – one of the most popular apps to play Poker on the Internet. The website has both Texas Hold’em and short-deck Poker variants for players to try their hand at, besides several other online Poker games.

Disclaimer: Online Poker can be addictive and irresponsible play may result in huge financial losses as well. We therefore encourage you to exercise caution while wagering and play responsibly at all times.


1. Why is short-deck Poker so popular?

Short-deck became popular because the smaller deck (36 cards) increases the probability for players to achieve high-value combinations in the hand, which makes it more action-packed.

2. Where is the short-deck Poker played?

The game is highly popular in most live Poker tournaments and games. You can also enjoy it online on various platforms such as PokerBaazi which allows you to play the game for free.

3. What is the most profitable position in Poker?

The button is specifically the most profitable position; late positions in general are also regarded as the most profitable positions on the Poker table.