So you’re new to Poker and don’t know the tricks of the trade? Begin with the assumption that like any other game (offline or online), it would take some time for you to set your hand at Poker. And, before you can master the game, you’re bound to make mistakes along the way as well.

The key is to take those mistakes in your stride and keep at it. Regular practice is essential in online Poker, as is the case in any other game, and that is what’s going to help you become a pro one day. It is important to learn from our mistakes so you don’t have to learn them by repetition. But to help you keep disappointment at bay and enable you to sharpen your skills, we share here 7 common mistakes that new players of online Poker tend to make and how to avoid them.

Top 7 Mistakes to Avoid for Beginners in Online Poker

Mistakes are inevitable and should always be considered as stepping stones to success. They help you learn, get better, and eventually emerge victorious. However, making the same mistake again and again without understanding what you are doing wrong can be harmful to your growth too. This is why it helps to learn from others’ experiences and make note of some common mistakes that nearly all Poker novices make in their journey.

1. Avoid overbluffing: Bluffing is an integral part of Poker and it can be helpful in some cases to the players as well. It can help mislead your opponent into believing that you have a strong or weak hand (as the case may be), while the reality may be far from true.

However, if you make this a practice and use this trick in every game, you put yourself at risk of being easily predictable by your opponents and your moves easily readable too. Stick to bluffing based on the size of the wager, your positioning at the Poker table, and the skills and experience of your opponent.

2. Don’t play every hand: Most Poker novices end up making this mistake – playing every hand. They eventually end up making more losses in the process. It’s important to know when not to play a hand and when to quit the game or fold. Remember that you won’t end up winning more money by playing more hands. Patience is a virtue here so keep waiting patiently for a good hand to play.

3. Don’t play Poker when you’re upset: Poker is a game of skill and strategy – two very important qualities that are difficult to put to use when you’re not in a good frame of mind. It’s always advised to play the game when you’re in a pleasant or relaxed mental state and want to have pure fun.

4. Don’t forget to observe your opponent’s moves: Poker involves keen observation, even when you’re playing an online game. It is essential to keep one eye on your hand and the other on the moves played by your opponents. Make sure to keenly observe their wagering patterns and gameplay tendencies to move up in the game. Also, make sure to observe what other players are doing when you are not in the hand. This is free information you can use to enable future decisions against them. This becomes doubly important when you’re playing real cash Poker games online. This would help you earn more points and ace the game by gaining more skills and expertise.

5. Don’t let emotions get in the way: Poker can sometimes get quite frustrating for new players or beginners, who aren’t too familiar with the gameplay strategy and end up making the same mistakes repeatedly. It is common for the players to make poor strategic decisions in the game in this frame of mind. This is called ‘tilt’ in Poker, a condition that can be rather problematic for beginners and seasoned players alike. It’s best to avoid tilting and keep your emotions out of the Poker table to avoid making serious losses in the game.

6. Don’t spend money that you can’t afford to lose: One of the golden rules in the game of Poker, both online and offline, and yet one of the most serious mistakes committed by Poker players around the world – new and experienced both. It is fairly easy to lose sight of your bankroll when immersed in a game of Poker. Hence, make sure to set aside a budget for the game and stick to it to avoid heavy losses.

7. Avoid acting on impulse: This can be a particularly dangerous mistake for professional or experienced players, who tend to go into auto-pilot mode while making crucial decisions, not giving enough time to think and ending up making huge losses. The best way to avoid this mistake is to control the impulse to act immediately on your turn. Take a while to think your decisions through before acting on them.


Mistakes are a part of life – whether in the real world or the virtual. Poker game is no exception to this rule and every mistake you make is a learning along the way to mastering your skills and acing the game. The tips shared in this blog can still help you avoid making some common mistakes and aid you in bettering yourself and improving as a player.

If you’re looking for a platform to practice and hone your skills as a beginner in online Poker, PokerBaazi can be your one-stop solution. Offering a variety of Poker variations to try, the portal is your go-to solution for a mix of thrill, excitement, and learning associated with Poker.

Disclaimer: Online Poker can be highly addictive and involve an element of financial risk. Try and keep your bankroll under control and play responsibly to avoid any huge losses.